Saturn XI
Epimetheus Facts
- Epimetheus is the fifth of Saturn's known satellites:
- distance from Saturn: 151,422 km
- diameter: 115 km (144 x 108 x 98)
- mass: 5.6e17 kg
a.k.a. 1980 S 3
- Pronounced "ep eh MEE thee us"
- Epimetheus was the son of Iapetus and brother of Prometheus and Atlas; husband
of Pandora.
"Epimetheus" is Greek for "hindsight".
- Discovered by Walker, Larson, and Fountain in 1978 and
confirmed in 1980 by Voyager 1.
- Epimetheus and Janus are
- There are several craters larger than 30 km in diameter as well as both large
and small ridges and grooves. The extensive cratering indicates the Epimetheus
must be quite old.
- (above) Epimetheus 43k gif
- Epimetheus, moon of Saturn 127k gif
- Map of Epimetheus
99k gif
More about Epimetheus
Open Issues
- Little is known about Epimetheus.
- Is the co-orbital relationship with Janus stable?
... Saturn
... Pandora
... Epimetheus
... Janus
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 February 2